AWAKENED – Holistic Healing Event – 3 day Festival – created with Love & Unity..
2022 – We are currently navigating the shift in collective consciousness to bring through the Awakened Festival – for another year as we continue to raise vibration for Conscious Living. However there is a wider vision we have for community (ASN – Awakened Souls Network) and the AWAKENED FESTIVAL will continue to be a part of this and if we have to wait another year, we will do. We are aligning our vision to manifest the right land, property to bring everything together.. we hope you will join us!

The beginning..
In 2015 at a particularly ‘busy’ time for me I was sat in my place of creation at my desk within a sacred space when this event was simply ‘given’ as channelled, with a very clear message.. it’s soul purpose was to ‘Raise Vibration’.
I would be delivering this event the following year.. August 2016.
Everything was shown clearly for the event in terms of location, venue (Tapely Park.. but they had not done an event like this for more than 10 years and had refused many offers), yet it was shown as there and I was even given that SIKA would be there playing for us, (which at that time was profound as I had only ever seen/heard of him at Quest several years before, so would he support a new event in Devon? Well it turns out that yes he would and he has since played at endless events).
The whole channelling was downloaded in Minutes! It felt ‘light’ and immensely ‘big’!
I had not planned to organise an event like this so was not something I set out just to create.. and yet here I was being ‘given’ this guidance that was non negotiable to deliver..! It was for the collective – New Vibration.
‘I was also and still am deeply aware of the privilege to be given this event and to be its founder, creator and guardian to manifest exactly as the universe has shown.. since the 1st year I have continued by being deeply guided by my intuition as what is right for the event and honouring the growth, location, venues, partners, collaborators and what changes we need to adapt to vibrationally each year’.
This was therefore something I would do on top of my ‘Vocational work Teaching’ as well as living partly in India which is normal for me.. and I knew that even with a clear ‘given’ outline that the work to go into this was immense.. as you may realise it takes literally months of work for an event this size, and it wasn’t going to be a small event – it was shining its light so bright it would also attract like minded awakened souls and also initiate deep healing in those that were resistant. A fantastic team of volunteers gathered for the event and somehow AWAKENED was born..
Much of the momentum also comes from raising awareness & funds for The Freedom Centre – who do an amazing job in supporting the homeless and vulnerable. They highlight such a poignant example of what ‘our awakening’ is within society. The collective situation is worsening as we make these final stages of polarity.
So far..
The first 2 years for the AWAKENED Holistic Healing Event were a great success in terms of it’s creation and intention which was to Raise Vibration.. and it has done so!
I still receive emails, messages and reviews saying how the vibration of the event has helped assist them in some way on their journey from both visitors & exhibitors.. we had both years a wonderful gathering of amazing exhibitors all resonating with the Awakened vibration and also many that have delivered fantastic Workshops, Meditations & Yoga Sessions..
As well as those that have stood on the stage and given their all with Music, Mediumship, and unique gifts.. We have, each year had a diverse and dedicated team of volunteers that have assisted in delivering this event.. so in gratitude to all that have participated and all that have resonated with the event that has been created in Love & Unity!
The journey..
So here we are in 2019 which the 3rd event for AWAKENED and by missing a year last year we have naturally aligned as within numerology this year is a ‘year 3’ and the resonates fully with creation and the collective vibration.
The event in its 2nd year moved to the Taw Valley to be held at Weirmarsh Farm which was an incredible open space of 12 acres by the river which was significantly much needed and created much expansion for the camping and access needed for the event as well as a different ‘feel’ to the first year at Tapely Park which is a lovely venue with great energetic resonance and was right for the events first year.
This year the event will be held at the beautiful Tawstock Court which was formerly St. Micheal’s private school. I have over the years worked at several events held here in its former identity and the vibration of the land is special and welcoming, and so has now become the ‘home’ for AWAKENED.
The name ‘Tawstock’ literally means ‘a place associated with water meadows on or near the River Taw’ so this will be the ‘home’ of AWAKENED Holistic Healing Event and is situated just further down the river from our previous venue but includes not only fabulous 32 acres of grounds and woodlands but also a substantial Manor House of which we have exclusive use for our event.
We continue with the original channelling of offering sacred spaces known as our ‘tents’ which in fact are beautiful geometric marquees for the following;
So after much soul searching and much consideration on many levels it has been decided not to deliver the AWAKENED Holistic Healing event this year.. I appreciate that many of you will be disappointed but I hope that you can know that this has taken some time to reach this decision. I am also putting out the intention that if the support and interest is there then I can definitely look at delivering the event again for 2019.. this will be a guided decision based on the feedback received. or website –
Tracee Cullen
Event Founder & Co Coordinator
High Dimension Teacher, Mentor & Retreat Facilitator.
Previous AWAKENED events – 2016 & 2017..
Our 1st year in 2016 attracted 1,076 visitors and increased for our 2nd year in 2017 at our venue set in the Taw Valley in beautiful surrounding by the river.
Our visitors all resonating with the Awakened Vibration, an abundance of amazing exhibitors and exciting workshops continued to be enjoyed by many.
We saw last year an increase in camping last year as the event & location offers great relaxation and facillities whether you bring your own tent, campervan, caravan or hire one of our Bell Tents.
We are pleased to announce that already many of the exhibitors have rebooked to once again join together to raise vibration in North Devon for our 3rd Year in August 2018. We have also increased our pitches so we are able to accept a few new exhibitors for this years event.
If you would like to exhibit then please complete the exhibitors booking form here or contact Tracee Cullen directly on 01769 560118 or email at
The Venue ~ beautiful Weirmarsh Farm in the Taw Valley by the river, with a natural camping area set within nature which is both a peaceful location for relaxation & flat for camping. The perfect setting for creating a very special event.

We have each each been supporting the wonderful ‘Freedom Centre’ as they do an amazing job for the homless and vulnerable. Monies in previous years were raised through the raffle and donations for Yoga & Meditation classes.
I look forward to sharing this lovely event with you again next year.. For now the planning continues..
In Love, Light & Gratitude for all who support and are a part this event.
Tracee Cullen ~ Event Organiser.