Hi everyone.. so here it is!
AWAKENED Holistic Healing Event will be going ahead in 2019..
Booking forms for exhibitors will be available from 25th January 2019.
Hi everyone.. so here it is!
AWAKENED Holistic Healing Event will be going ahead in 2019..
Hi everyone..
AWAKENED – Holistic Healing Event
Date for next Event? – We are currently looking at all options to create AWAKENED 2019, so still yet to be confirmed.
Please show your support here if you would like this event to go ahead.. maybe even share a memory from the event to raise the vibration and an announcement will be made soon!
Held end of August (Bank Holiday).. this event would continue to support our local homeless charity, create opportunities nationally for therapists, creative’s, intuitives, healers, spiritual teachers by giving a platform to share knowledge, energy, awareness as guided.. all within the new AWAKENED vibration.
There are many aspects to consider for bringing AWAKENED 2019.. I personally feel ready to deliver the event in continued Love and Unity and will do so as intuitively guided should it resonate with the collective..?
So let me know in the comments below.. share this post to gain momentum and let see where it takes us!?
Tracee Cullen High Dimension Teacher
We are pleased to announce that for AWAKENED 2018 we will be again supporting The Freedom centre.
Last year we raised collectively for The Freedom Centre £913.86p ~ Please see below a blog of my visit to the charity a few weeks before the event..
The intention for the event was to focus on raising awareness of what this amazing charity does and how we can all help in someway just through knowing that they are there and what they do and maybe for some, to give collections of clothes, toiletries or ‘time’ to help..
In addition to this we raised ~ £913.86
Draw a profit of £244
Donations from the Meditation/Yoga Tent £272.58
Healing Tree £18.40
Individual Donations £33.20
(Exhibitor payments from Linda Chester £11, Penny Jones £10 & at event £12.20 unknown)
Additional Workshop Donation only by Tracee Cullen £58.87 (£32.50 & £26.37)
Tea/Coffee Sales at the Charity Marquee £128.10
Healing Donations at The Freedom Marquee £158.71
Collections ~ There were also collection bins for Clothes, Food & Toiletries.
My visit to the Freedom Centre.. 4th August 2017
After supporting the Freedom Centre last year we had liaised and met and discussed what they do and our first year we achieved good collections at the event and a few hundred pounds for the draw but I felt that I wanted to know on a deeper level and really to embrace what we could do to raise awareness and what they do on a ground level.. the only way to do this is to spend time there and be within the environment.
I met with Becky who is the Freedom Centre Manager, not only does she do an amazing job but shines so brightly! her authentic and real approach is humbling.
There are many areas that the charity help with, one is the continued collections of clothes, toiletries and items that they can also sell (they have a nearly new sale 4 times a year which helps raise funds and have good quality items that are sorted and sold. They also receive some regular donations of food from supermarkets which helps to keep the hot meals being provided.
Starting with a tour through the sorting areas of donations.. this is an eye opener to the amount of work involved, they sort through everything from firstly what can they use.. essential everyday mens and womens clothes, sleeping bags, foods, toiletries, house hold items and more, then there are the non practical items that are also so much use to be included in the sale and the ‘new’ items with labels where they have a whole system of selling on ebay which is incredibly time consuming but brings in an income and makes use of everything in some way..
They really do work incredibly hard to make use of everything in some way and they are incredibly resourceful. They also welcome DVDs, Books, Games, Household items etc..
In another area of the centre they have industrial washing machines which again is incredibly important and they have thought of so much.. so this is essential for those living on the streets to have at least their clothes washed (they can also have a hot shower) and whereby clothes used to be thrown away with previously no facility to wash and replace, they have now a system where they can give a set of clothes and wash one so at least they others to change into.
Then they also offer service washes to the public, prices are really reasonable and this also brings in some income, as they have industrial size machines they offer a duvet washing service too (which may interest several of you).. I will be taking mine there soon.. The launderette in Barnstaple closed sometime ago which was where most used to go for this service so it makes sense to help at the same time of having a paid service.
The Centre then has a social area with restaurant that plays a vital role for many reasons.. providing a hot meal is of course essential in basic needs and whilst I was there I learnt of a man that hadn’t eaten for 3 days, a family were also seeking somewhere to eat, providing maybe a solution to not having a school free meal (again the difference of eating or not for some).. this centre also helps those on a low income that seriously have a choice of paying for the rent of eating. They do not encourage children, but do assist on occasion but they work closely with other services that cater for a much more suited environment for children so again referring and assisting with what is most needed.
The restaurant not only provides a hot meals to be served there but offers food parcels to many that are distributed, all food is given for free and assists those that are sleeping rough, or in temporary accommodation. So for some they need food that does not require any appliance especially if living on the streets, others have a kettle or camping stove or in some form of shelter/housing so pot food/meals are essential and although this may not seem that nutritional we are talking here the difference between having something or nothing! The pot meals at least also bring warmth as they are made with hot water. Others simply are given a flask of something hot..
They are also associated with many other charities and they each work together to support each other and one avenue is that the charity now owns/been given some houses that is a great positive on many levels. They furnish the houses and provide opportunities for people to get off the streets or into independent living with support, this also integrates people and helps give maybe life skills that they either don’t have or have forgotten how to care for themselves. These house many individuals rather than one family.
The Charity also has a ‘Giving Scheme’.. this is for those that want to help by donating an amount per month, this money goes into the absolute essentials to keep the charity there, I.E. Rent, Utilities etc which then can provide; showers, hot water, kitchen, meals, washing up, and the list goes on but fundamentally this is for the basic requirements for them to exist.
Social enterprise.. they also have social enterprise which is based in roundswell and this gives opportunities for things like mending bikes etc to use within the charity or to sell to create money for the charity. This gives a purpose, a reason to get out of the house (if they have one) a job to do and is benefiting everyone and more importantly themselves.
So who uses the Centre.. well as mentioned yes homeless people of course, those who are vulnerable, low income families but also what is the main reality check is what about those that have ‘normal’ lives.. a job, a family.. a house.. and then life chucks some curve balls and things just breakdown for whatever reason. This is not uncommon when someone goes from this to homeless.. or simply in a vulnerable situation and have nowhere to go.. where do you go?
Well the answer is a place such as The Freedom Centre..
I am under no illusion how hard it must be for some to actually walk through the door and ask for help.. it can take people a long time to do this. I also realise that the way our society is going.. the more this is going to be needed.. The Awakening is shifting awareness but as the 3 Dimensional world breaks down so does segregation but the reality is that we will need more Angels such as these to assist through the process.
There is no doubt that these souls are Angels in human form.. each of them are generally vibrant and seeking to help in a positive way and give their time to do so.. There are many situations that can lead to someone needing the services of the Freedom Centre and they are not always as you first assume.
I also love how they are true to themselves.. to conform to the government and society to continue receiving funding they would have to shift what they do, have other ‘labels’ but they remain in their Light and know who they are and exactly what they do and who they help.. this for me is full admiration and that is why so many are waking up to support them.. they make no issues about this but embrace all that is given and they are extremely proactive on every level. The Freedom Church (separate charity) supports them considerably and were also with them at Awakened offering healing sessions. The whole concept is from unity.
There is of course another aspect that I raised.. what about enabling… what is the process that we are not assisting people to stay as they are.. and what is the best way to help? the stark answer and reality at this level of support is FOOD… these souls need the basics.. and yes drugs and alcohol can be an influence but this is simply the symptom of the situation not the cause.. we all have our ‘prop’ for some it is alcohol, some it is food, smoking, work, phone, social media.. whatever allows us to escape reality..
Each soul has their own journey but what I love about this place is they are REAl.. they also have boundaries, very few instances can be classed in anyway as enabling.. why because at this level.. we really are talking about the last resort.. a place of sanctuary to get the basic requirements of living.. breathing.. kindness.. that’s it.. as simply and heartbreaking as this.. Wake up world!
So all that remains to be said from me is.. Thank you to Becky and all at the Freedom Centre for all that you do and for being a part of AWAKENED Holistic Healing Event. It was an absolute pleasure to have spent this valuable time with you at the charity and an honour to have you as our chosen charity. We look forward to continuing our support and working together to raise awareness and vibration!
Tracee Cullen.xx
Please feel free to contact the Freedom Centre charity directly;
Telephone Number: 01271 321171
Website: www.freedomcommunityalliance.org.uk/
So.. in gratitude to the universe for once again a high vibrational collective gathering for AWAKENED 2017.. and the sunshine we received was amazing!???
The event was created in Love and Unity and as most of you will know and appreciate it takes a year of work to deliver.. all of which is absolutely the right thing to do, as it was to move the venue this year to the most beautiful peaceful location in the Taw Valley.. to continue with intention to raise vibration and to also raise awareness for our chosen charity ‘The Freedom Centre’ .
Those resonating with the event have and will continue to process many vibrational shifts on many levels.. it seems the more ‘Awake’ we are the more profound these shift will have been this weekend and will continue to do so and unravel..
So many shifts and feedback again this year of what has been felt.. the catapults to move forward.. awareness on so many levels.. to know that we are collective energy and not separate.. releasing if old patterns, beliefs, restrictions.. this has been again this year for Exhibitors, Visitors and Volunteers.. some have been able to pin point what started a year ago to the AWAKENED weekend to now.. and to what continues.
Everything is being shown and gives us all the opportunity now to go within and take responsibility for our own healing if we are evolved enough to do so.
There are many thank you’s..
○ The ‘core team’ of volunteers that helped months before in the preparation of the site & site visits, signage, logistics of what was planned, pitching and more. Then to work relentlessly throughout the whole weekend when we sadly had a few core volunteers down due to unavaiodable personal situations. You were all amazing and worked through with a smile.?
This of course includes Tina.. (my mum) who despite being unwell has assisted when possible with exhibitor bookings before hand and on arrival at The Red Tent..
○ to the volunteers that joined us onsite for the event for various shifts and others that stayed onsite with an exchange of camping, you all assisted the core team and especially those that continued with integrity when most needed to support the event and collective energy.
○ To Rachel Rose & Chloe Laing who gave us such a heart felt opening and closing ceremony that was personailesd to the AWAKENED event vibration.. amazing..?
○ To Sika who gave his focus and energy to the event and held space for his Evening Concert, Full day workshop and Sound Journey.. mainly intimate gatherings that have had profiund healing effects for many.
○ To Patrick Gamble, Greg Smith & Karen Pryce who all held space and delivered such an amazing Sunday evening for all.. for the origional painting giveaway called ‘transformation’.. and the many nessages received. Also to Greg for delivering a 3 hour Workshop to an intimate group that have found this invaluable for their continued journey.
○ To all the contractors.. all of which we have used for again for the 2nd year.. Marquee Hire, Toliet & Shower Hire, Bell Tent providers (for visitors and volunteers), Commercial Rubbish Collection (which is zero landfill) special thanks to our new printers.. as our previous ones let us down a week before the event!
○ To the Venue.. Weirmarsh Farm and the preparations made for the land, gate ways, access & the help from the Alpacas setting up. ?
○ To all the Exhibitors that without the event would not be possible.. you all resonated with the vibration and delivered such amazing vibrant stalls.. and assisted many throughout the weekend.. especially to all of you who also delivered FREE Workshops & donation Yoga and Meditation sessions throughout the Weekend.
○ A massive thank you to the caterers that were amazing in providing food thoughout the weekend when we were 2 caterers down due to unexpected injuries.
○ To the healers in The Healing Tent that provided Reiki healing all weekend on a donation basis and to Jess who delivered the Indigo Childrens Tent.
○ and.. lastly to you.. to all of the visitors.. for all gathering and trusting in this event..
I have set the intention for AWAKENED 2018 and the dates will be for August Bank Holiday again.. each exhibitor has a form to rebook until the 1st October and then we will open up to those that would like to attend.
Providing we have the continued support of the exhibitors and the visitors to want this event to proceed then I will be happy to dedicate my energy to the manefestation of another year.. the venue is happy to proceed again for another year and therefore AWAKENED 2018 will remain at Weirmarsh Farm.. everything is guided and as it should be.
Namaste everyone.. ‘my soul honours your soul’
Tracee Cullen
Event Organiser ~ www.traceecullen.com
A gathering of like minded souls.. all resonating with the Awakened vibration.????
Awakened Holistic Healing Event 2017 ~ last day for Camping & Early Bird Event Discount tickets. Closes at 23.30pm tonight (21st August).
Tickets available at the Entrance Gate ~
Daily Entrance Tickets £6/£4
3 Day Entrance £15
Evening Tickets £23.50 (depending on availability).
(No Camping without pre booked tickets).
Last day today for Bell Tent Hire ~ sleeps 6
2 nights £140
3 nights £185
4 nights £220
Ticket link ~ https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/awakened-2017-tickets-33099963883
We have an extensive 3 day workshop programme available for you to attend throughout the event held in:
The Refectory – Workshop Room 1 – Meditation & Yoga – Donation Only (50% to our chosen charity – Clarity).
The Study – Workshop Room 2 – All FREE
St Michaels Room – Workshop Room 3 – All FREE
– All listed below.
by Donation – 50% to the Facilitator 50% to our Charity – Clarity.
N.B. for your own comfort you may like to bring something to lay on & wrap up in – not essential.
10.15 -11.00am
– Opening of AWAKENED 2019 – Setting Intention with Tracee Cullen & Sika.
11.30 – 12.30pm – Yoga – Meeting You Where You Are – TillyLou – A gentle class, with the emphasis on connecting within & meeting yourself just where you are. Practising ‘Being’ rather than doing is a tremendous release of unnecessary tension in the body. 10 People.
12.45 – 1.45pm – Sound Bath Relaxation – Gemma Jones – Experience relaxation on a deep level with therapeutic sounds of The Sun & Feng Gong, Himalayan Bowls, Bahia/Bass Drums & percussion – Koshi Chimes & Rainsticks. The body’s system unwinds & rebalances.
2 – 3pm – Taster of the Form – Bernie Prior – A powerful energetic transmission performed through subtle movements occurring mostly off the body whilst the participant is seated in a chair. Leads to greater inner stillness, emotional release, relaxation & connectivity.
3.15 – 4.15pm Tracee Cullen – Be the Energy – High Dimension® Meditation – New Vibration is all about ‘Being it’. Explore this possibility within – this is for all levels – everyone!
4.30 – 5.30pm – Sound Bath – Susan Northrop – Flutes, Tibetan Bowls, gong and other healing instruments will take you on a sound journey. *Bring Pillow & Blanket for comfort.
Friday Evening – 7PM – 9.30pm – £20 – SIKA Sound Journey – A very visit to Devon as part of his UK tour.
(Ticket Only available online or if not sold out then at The Red Tent – £22)
10.15 – 11.15am – Toning & Chanting for Health – Susan Northrop – Toning vowel sounds to balance the chakras, followed by the meditative joy of singing a simple chant in a group. No experience necessary.
11.30 – 12.30 pm – The power of the ancients – Dominic Jones – As children of the earth we have a beautiful lineage – powerful Deities that stood within many great mythologies.
12noon – 12.10pm
10 mins Universal Meditation/Silence throughout whole event – please hold space.
12.45 – 1.45pm Taster of the Form – Bernie Prior – A powerful energetic transmission performed through subtle movements whilst the participant is seated in a chair.
2 – 3pm – BeatRoot Drums – Community Drum Circle – Uniting community through rhythm. Facilitated drum circle using djembe’s, hand shakers & bells. For all levels. Community spirit, unified through music. Bring own drum if have them – some able to borrow.
3.15 – 4.15pm – ‘Become what you Teach’- Tracee Cullen – The essence of what we deliver to the world in all aspects of our lives is ‘being it’ – what we essentially are ourselves. The life long journey of going within. Exploring meditation methods & the journey to Teacher.
4.15 – 5pm – Yoga – Meeting You Where You Are – TillyLou – A gentle class, with the emphasis on connecting within & meeting yourself just where you are. Practising ‘Being’ rather than doing is a tremendous release of unnecessary tension in the body. 10 people.
4.30 – 5.30pm – Sound Bath Relaxation – Gemma Jones – Experience relaxation on a deep level with therapeutic sounds – The Gong, Himalayan Bowls, Bahia/Bass Drums & more!
Saturday Evening – 7PM – 9.30pm – £20 – Agnihotra – Ayurveda Fire Ceremony – Ian Griffiths – Meet at the Red Tent 6.45pm
(Ticket Only available online or if not sold out then at The Red Tent – £22)
10.15 – 11.15am – A Journey to the Angels Temple – Sandie Jones – The temple of wonderful energies facilitates deep healing & sense of calm. Increasing Vibration with Angels.
11.30 – 12.30 pm – Toning & Chanting for Health – Susan Northrop – Toning vowel sounds to balance the chakras, followed by the meditative joy of singing a simple chant in a group. No experience necessary.
12.45 – 1.45pm – Gayatri Mantra – Tracee Cullen – Mantra is an invocation of sacred sounds & vibration. Vibration affects matter. Written in Sanskrit & chanted for generations. We will explore the Mantra, learn & chant together 108 times!
2 – 3pm – Yoga – Meeting You Where You Are – TillyLou – A gentle class, with the emphasis on connecting within & meeting yourself just where you are. Practising ‘Being’.
3.15 – 4.15pm – Earth Sound Medicine Journey – Belen Prado – Journey within ourselves. Deep relaxation, learning, healing, a strong connection with oneself & the greater universe through vibration, harmony & resonance of musical instruments from around the world.
4.30 – 5.30pm – Taster of the Form – Bernie Prior – An energetic transmission, seated.
5.30 – 6pm – Closing of AWAKENED 2019 – In Gratitude & Unity.
10.15am -11.00am – Refectory Workshop Room 1 – Opening of AWAKENED 2019 – Setting Intention with Tracee Cullen & Sika.
11.30 – 12.30pm – Introduction to Native American flute playing – Belen Prado – 10 people. Objective is to get familiar with the instrument learn about its origins, how it works & its benefits.
12.45 – 1.45pm – Toning and chanting for health – Susan Northrop – Toning vowel sounds to balance the chakras, followed by the meditative joy of singing a simple chant in a group. No experience necessary.2pm – 3pm – Walking on Sunshine – Dan Rox – A solar Plexus Chakra Crystal Workshop.
3.15 – 4.15pm – ‘New Moon Astrology’ – Jackie Townsend – The New Moon (which is today)!! is a time of new beginnings, creativity and initiation. Discover how to work with the astrological cycles of the New Moon to manifest your hopes, dreams and wishes.
4.30pm – 5.30pm – Orgonite and how to make it Ian Griffiths – Learn about Orgonite, how to make it & take your work home with you. *This donation is £3 to cover cost of materials.
10.30 -1.30pm – Sika ½ day workshop – Tickets only £45 – Sika’s sounds invoke a primal memory; a gateway for reconnection to ourselves, to earth and to great mystery. In this intimate half-day workshop Sika will gently hold space for our own inner enquiry. We’ll experience a series of healing sound journeys, carrying us into a state of deep relaxation.
The workshop will combine: ‘Live’ Sound Journeys, Time for personal reflection / journaling, Wisdom teachings, Sharing together as a group.
12noon – 12.10pm
10 mins Universal Meditation/Silence throughout whole event – please hold space.
2 – 3pm – Raising Vibration.. Working in the New Energies – Tracee Cullen What does shifting to ‘New Vibration’ mean? What is the ascension process to shift consciousness & more!
3.15pm – 4.15pm What is Mediumship – Linda Bassett.
4.30pm – 5.30pm – Who am I? The Cosmic Life – Bernie Prior – Interactive, and conversational, you may touch upon any area of Life – relationships, sexuality, children, parenting, work and creativity laying it all at the heart of deeper Knowing Awareness.
10.15am – 11.15am – New Moon Astrology – Jackie Townsend – The New Moon is a time of new beginnings, creativity and initiation. Discover how to work with the astrological cycles of the New Moon to manifest your hopes, dreams and wishes.
11.30 – 12.30pm – Who am I? A Real Life. – Bernie Prior – Interactive & conversational, you may touch upon any area of Life, at the heart of deeper Knowing awareness.
12.45 – 1.45pm – Crystals for Children – Dan Rox – A simple workshop for children working with & learning about the energies of Crystals. Learn, Express & Grow. 2 – 3pm – Exploring The Natal Chart in Astrology – Stella Grace – a delve into the ‘flat wheel’ of the zodiac to understand an overview of astrology, its link to our life cycle & the seasons, and how this underpins each unique Natal Chart.
3.15pm – 4.15pm – Posture and the Butterfly effect – TillyLou – The Buttafly is a powerful tool for back pain. Tillylou who designed it shares her ideas on why it works so well & the importance of her findings for the millions of people who suffer.
4.30pm – 5.30pm – Sound Bath – Gemma Jones – Experience relaxation on a deep level with therapeutic sounds of The Sun & Feng Gong, Himalayan Bowls, Bahia/Bass Drums & percussion – Koshi Chimes & Rainsticks. The body’s system unwinds & rebalances.
5.30 – 6pm – Closing of AWAKENED 2019 – In Gratitude & Unity.
10.15am -11.00am – In Refectory Workshop Room 1 – Opening of AWAKENED 2019 – Setting Intention with Tracee Cullen & Sika.
11.30 – 12.30pm – Who am I? The Human Life – Bernie Prior – Interactive, and conversational, you may touch upon any area of Life – relationships, sexuality, children, parenting, work and creativity laying it all at the heart of deeper Knowing Awareness.
12.45 – 1.45pm –- What is Mediumship – Linda Bassett
2 – 3pm – Posture – Beyond the Physical – TillyLou – As a physiotherapist discover posture is much more, sharing experiences of a lifelong career in the healing arts and science with the aim to helping you understanding good health & well being.
3.15 – 4.15pm – Cleansing: Keeping your space, Aura & Crystals clear & balanced – Dominc Jones – Many methods of cleansing & clearing exercises using sacred ingredients.
4.30 – 5.30pm – A Therapeutic Oils Experience – Stella Grace – a full sensory experience getting to know & test out many therapeutic-grade essential oils for healthcare on all levels.
10.15 – 11.15am – Introduction to Native American flute playing – Belen Prado – 10 people. Get familiar with the instrument, learn about its origins, the way it works & its benefits.
11.30 – 12.30pm – Creating Essential Oil Blends – Stella Grace – inspiration and information to guide you through the process of creating your own personalised therapeutic-grade oils blend (blends then available to create and buy at the stall after if you wish)
12noon – 12.10pm
10 mins Universal Meditation throughout whole event – please hold space.
12.45 – 1.45pm – ‘Snapshot of the Heavens’ – Jackie Townsend – your individual Astrological birth chart is a snapshot of the solar system the moment you were born. Discover how the planetary energies provide a blueprint of your true purpose, identity and soul path.
2 – 3pm – Posture and the pelvic floor – TillyLou – How to stand has a direct impact on your pelvic floor. Discussing this relationship with the aim of helping you improve flexibility of the low back, hip and pelvic areas & a healthy pelvic floor – suitable for both Men and Women.
3.15pm – 4.15pm – All you need is love – Dan Rox – A heart Chakra Crystal Workshop
4.30pm – 5.30pm – Activating the Heart Flame, the gift of Sekhmet – Dominic Jones – Embrace the healing energies of ancient Egypt & the beautiful power Goddess Sekhmet.
10.15am – 11.15am What is Mediumship – Linda Bassett
11.30 – 12.30pm – ‘Electromagnetic radiation and how to protect yourself’ – Ian Griffiths – Ian is an EMF specialist. He will be discussing 5G network, smart meters, wi-fi, mobile phones and other harmful sources of.
12.45 – 1.45pm – Merlin Magic – Dominic Jones – Camelot, a realm of magical power & courage. Cosmic energies, an elemental journey to balance, connect, unlock & heal.2 – 3pm – Answer your Calling.. Follow your Passion – Tracee Cullen – knowing your purpose, breaking the 3 Dimension work balance cycle to make a difference in this world. Understanding current Awakening Energies supporting you to your High Dimension® Calling.
3.15pm – 4.15pm – A demonstration of Mediumship – Karen Pryce
4.30 – 5.30pm – The power of intention – Dominic Jones – Law of Attraction, Abundance & Mantras. Experience them combining ancient & modern knowledge.
5.30 – 6pm – Closing of AWAKENED 2019 – In Gratitude & Unity.
♥Created in Love & Unity – AWAKENED 2019♥
So we are now in August…!
As we are now approaching the event we have been gathering all the amazing sessions that our exhibitors, practitioners and teachers have to share with you.. passing on their knowledge and with the vibration of the AWAKENED event, will be working collectively in Love & Unity.
We have now just uploaded the Meditation & Yoga Tent sessions for you to see whats coming..you can view the page here.. Meditation & Yoga Tent ~ which is listed under the ‘visitor’ section of this website.
Enjoy everyone… we have much more to come.. the Workshop programme is on its way and worth the wait!
Tracee Cullen
Event Founder & Co ordinator